Welcome To Super Nova Club
Super Nova Club, named after bright star —the club was established by a group of young boys of the Bonogram's areas of Dhaka in 1997. Initially, it was a football & Cricket club, but later, it started taking part in cricket in the 1997s. The club became champion in Dhaka's many cricket & Football matches. It is now known as a medium class team in Bonogram.
Super Nova Updates
@ Super Nova win a challenging 4 litter coke match (Final Score: 2-1)- 06-02-07
@ Super Nova Club craeted new commity Chif Advisor: Hasan Reaz Chairman: Rashed Rony Vice President: Md. Khaled Genaral Secretary: Md. Sazzad. 24-02-2007
@ Super Nova win football match all previous friday. 11-12-2007
@ Super Nova Club celibrate 9 years to play a friend ly mfootball match between SNC Green & Red. Final Score: 2-2..... 17-12-06
@ Super Nova Clubs break the current commite and made a indipendent commite.... 08-12-06
@ 16th December Super Nova Club celibrate 9 year.. 08-12-06
@ 15th & 16th December 2006 SNC will arrange a footbal match between SNC RED & SNC GREEN...10-12-06